Month: August 1999

Undercover Christians

Evangelist Billy Sunday used to tell a story about a Christian who got a job in a lumber camp whose workers had a reputation for being ungodly. A friend, hearing that the man had been hired, said to him, "If those lumberjacks ever find out you're a Christian, you're going to be in for a hard time!"

How Long Is He Angry?

When Jean Brandt was 13, she was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail for shoplifting a 75-cent button. She was terrified when it came time to make the phone call to her parents. She explained to her dad and mom what had happened and then said brokenly, "I'm sorry." "Sorry isn't enough," her mom replied. "I'm disappointed in you."

Getting Fit

You wouldn't think that Lou Joline needed any encouragement to keep running. At the age of 65, he has completed 61 marathons in 31 states and has been named one of the nation's top five "fittest over 50." But Joline can't do it alone. He relies on the support of three running clubs he belongs to. His advice to people who want to get more exercise is to make it a social event. "Get in with a group," he says. "If your friends are doing it, you're going to do it."

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here? Listen to the opinion of Stephen Jay Gould, a Harvard paleontologist who is regarded as an eminent authority on how life began.

Look What's For Dinner

A health teacher taught his students the importance of washing their hands before eating. He had them take scrapings from their fingers and put them in an environment that fosters the growth of bacteria. A few days later, they looked at the results through a microscope. The students found critters from their fingers that could have made them sick if they had eaten them with their dinner.

Changed By The Book

He was trouble. He lived in a home for orphans, but he didn't like it. He was disobedient and miserable, so he ran away. When he did, he took with him the Bible his housemother had given him.

I Wish You Knew My Jesus

When a missionary read from the Bible to people in a remote village in South America, they were hearing about Jesus for the first time. After the man finished reading, a villager asked, "Do you know the Man in the Book?" The missionary assured him that he did.

True Prosperity

Imagine having a financial advisor whose stock-market predictions were 100-percent accurate. Wall Street would soon put you on easy street. Or suppose your livelihood was fishing and you had a friend who could always lead you to just the right spot at just the right time. Every day you could have a money-making catch.

Getting To Know Him

My wife and I have been married 38 years, so you would think we would know each other pretty well. But I am still finding out things about her I never knew. Just the other day, for example, I learned that she really likes musicals. That was new to me!